Unfurl Your Scroll & Embody Your Sovereignty

Sacred Chronicles

These Sacred Chronicles shall be the vessels through which we explore the profound journeys, the wisdom gleaned, and the transformative experiences that illuminate the path to personal and collective liberation.

From Maya Corrine

I wish every woman would work with Angelique before they started a circle or began a collaboration, especially after a year of silently watching so many women “rise up” as generous medicine keepers while playing mean girls behind the scenes, addicted to their personal reputations, consciously lying, stealing content & hurting so many others thru “gentle-gossip” while looking all bright & shiny. Of course, that’s not who they really are – every woman comes from a place of authentic contribution. Angelique invites us to know ourselves, to create healthy boundaries and to be responsible for those we gather, with a Code of Ethics, Negotiables & Non Negotiables, Exit and Transitional plans so we can hold space in a way that’s healthy & right.

From Shelly Norris


I fell in love with this woman from afar, yet, now, so very near and dear to my heart!  Angelique is one truly open, loving, and wild woman with enough passion to ignite a live flame right in the center of your heart!  My flame is burning so bright from the class she taught.  She encouraged me to dig as deep as I wanted, entertain what came up, sit with it, feel it, talk about it, and let it go at the end.  Such beauty and such amazing powerful love!  She was the perfect gift at the exact perfect time for me.  Thank you deeply Angelique!

She has this amazing ability to help you with your vision, take it, honor it, and then break it down into manageable pieces with the patience of a Saint!  All of a sudden things weren’t so scary and I felt the ease of being able to move forward on my journey to bring my passion to life and give it to the world.   I look forward to working with Angelique more in the future as she is truly the Passionate Wise Woman!  She is worth every second of your time and every dime you spend!


From Debbie Serdy, My Aunt Debbie


I truly appreciate the time and energy you put into the program. Your passion and dedication shows. It was an honor to sit with women of different ages and life experiences and realize how many more similarities we share than differences. The ‘Circle’ helped to create a safe and open space where women could come together for an open and sincere discussion of our concerns and ideas. One session had particular interest and meaning for me: It was the ‘Barn raising’ session where we shared different ideas and strategies to overcome obstacles and improve Melanie’s business. That session was the most meaningful for me. The ‘Resource List’ is a great treasure. It was such a blessing to be part of this wonderful nurturing experience. If there is any way that I can be of service, please do not hesitate to call on me. I would be more than happy to share my experiences. Thank you so much for all your help and best of luck with all your future ventures.

From Angelia Reed


Angelique’s Women’s Leadership Circle helped me begin to see the possibilities of vulnerability in the workplace. The circle created a space where we could share our stories and experiences, and offer suggestions and support to each other. The age range of our group was wide, but wisdom came from all members. The bond we created still amazes me, and I am grateful to Angelique for creating a safe and open space for us to connect and grow.

From Torrie Martin

I have worked to embrace the idea of vulnerability for my personal life, but have not easily made the leap to envision how this can manifest in the workplace. My experience in the Women’s Leadership Circle, led by an amazing force of energy named Angelique, has helped me begin to see the possibilities. A circle of safety was created so quickly within this group, and Angelique’s leadership style of honesty and being vulnerable herself helped establish early on that ‘ground rules’ were going to be different, and we all were to create our own expectations, as individuals and as a group, and help each other meet them. Each week there was opportunity to talk about what challenges or successes we had experienced the week before, and all in turn offered suggestions and support.

What I take away from this Circle are both new ideas and experiences that make me question what I think about leadership. I find myself going back to the curriculum and interacting with it again, because each week did not allow enough time to absorb all that I could learn and I am still finding ways to apply new ideas to my work and personal life. I am so grateful to Angelique for her vision and warmth, and to those benefactors who made this space and seminar possible. Thank you. I hope Women’s Leadership Circle #2 begins soon and more circles continue on: women leaders enlightening our world.

From Sarah McGahran


I wanted to tell you directly how incredibly powerful and life changing Angelique’s women’s leadership circle was on my life. I learned so much in just ten weeks and am so pleased that I do not have to say goodbye to my new friends, mentors, and fairy god mother yet as we have agreed to continue meeting once a month yay! My favorite thing about our group? The fact that regardless of age and background differences we so deeply cared what each of us had to say and what we brought to the group.

It was not only confidence building, but really shaped the way I have begun to strive to relate to the people around me that I encounter every day. I now try to slow down, feel what is important in a moment and choose caring and compassion over speed and efficiency and, to be honest, it has proven to be more rewarding to my efficiency and effectiveness as a business leader to do so. Having the base structure without holding us to too many benchmarks or tangible goals was perfect for the group. I really enjoyed the ability for us to delve into Angelique’s exercises and find our own meaning in them whether or not the class went exactly as planned. Thanks for reading and I truly hope this program remains a part of assets, it’s pretty amazing.


From Susan Sanelli 


Angelique delivers deep and clear insight into the topics that truly matter to me as I seek to grow spiritually and make an impact on the world. Her presence is at once vibrant and knowing as well as gentle and humble. In this way, in HER way, she is able to create a fun, relaxed and BS free zone where we are all sister teachers. I felt safe bringing my real, messy self to the table to process, heal, grow and give support in community. I love you Angelique and am grateful for the work you do. More please!!

From Peg Zimmerman, M.A. Holistic Counselor


I highly recommend the Women’s Leadership Group led by Angelique. This group was an evolving, changing organism that slowly but surely connected all of us women in amazing ways. Angelique created a sacred space for that all to happen and grow. Her authenticity, her honesty, and her courage nurtured those same qualities in us all. The assignments, resources, support, and connections that she provided created an environment of curiosity and growth. A safe place to be seen/heard allowed us to offer the same to each other and then potentially to our business relationships and beyond. I believe leadership begins within us, and this deep healing begins when we agree to be true to our heart. This group provided relationships and fertile ground for deeper consciousness as a woman entrepreneur, allowing us to connect to and respect the deeper aspects of womanhood, which can lead to restoring the well-being of us as individuals and in humanity as a whole. Thanks, ASSETS and Angelique, for the gift of the Women’s Leadership Group!

From Melanie G. Snyder


I knew this Circle was going to be something very unique and special. Angelique brought together a beautiful mix of women whose ages and experience spanned four decades, and served as our “spiritual midwife”, gently guiding us through deep exploration and reflection on how we define leadership, our unique visions and missions for our respective realms of work, new ways to think about partnerships, collaboration and community engagement, and ways of finding balance between our work, our families and taking care of ourselves as “passionate wise women.”

In the Circle, we found the support we needed to let go of negative and unproductive ways of thinking and moving in our work. Ultimately, we grew into a circle of supportive sisters who will continue to lift each other up as each of us helps to shape and impact the community for years to come. I highly recommend Angelique and the Circle for any woman seeking new growth and exploration in her work and her life.

From Jessica Brogan


This course was the deepest, most impactful course I have taken for my soul and self development. Ever. Angelique will blow your mind. I was taken with how strong and full her compassionate heart is, for all beings. For each of us in the class, and our individual journeys. I was awed by the depth of her emotional intelligence, and the integrity she brings to each and every moment of her work. This class is not to be missed.

From Marisa A. Weaver


I feel that in my over fifteen years in the auditing/financial world and with most recent scuba diving/boat delivery career, I have experienced the ‘glass ceiling’ and dealing with sharks on land (equity trading) and in the water. I do not often get to share my stories or even see my experiences directly help others like I did in our Circle. By the end of the nine weeks, no one wanted the class to end! We had become more than a support group – each one of us finally had a boost of confidence that we can do whatever we put our mind to.

Many had ideas, but did not believe or even think of different ways to either grow their business or generate more interest/money. By the end of the course, I think that everyone had a positive outcome. I learned that I was putting too much pressure on myself and that planning a year out with goals was much more realistic than the ‘wanted it done last year’ concept that kept me feeling frustrated. I do have a wonderful new set of friends that do not judge me but instead accept me for who I am and offer ideas, encouragement, inspiration, insight…We are not just women business leaders, we are all Goddesses!

From Melody Keim


The way women, who for the most did not know each other, but found ways to be supportive of each other was what spoke to me most about the journey. It was a re-enforcement of my style of leadership and helped me through a very challenging situation. A strong reminder of how strong and powerful everyone’s story is was the biggest ah-ha in the course. I actually really liked the tree activity at the start. I will use it as a means for grounding myself to be true to myself in all that I do.

From LaJuana Fuller/Paradigm Pivot: Anti-Racism Study Circle Participant


There is a life altering reality that happens when you allow yourself to acknowledge and be vulnerable to the truths, whether comfortable or uncomfortable, that shape this journey. Angelique’s guidance in this space, provides liberation rooted in authenticity that lifts and removes elements that counter the ability to live in the fullness of possibility!

From Jennette Nielson


My sister Angelique is the real deal. A beacon, a legacy mapper, a queen. i love her and her work is meaningful, useful and so needed today. watch this video if you are considering collaboration or partnership or running e-courses or creating a system/pattern/rhythm of checking in with yourself. we are all lucky to work with her. Angelique is keeper of the Way. This Way is the passionate woman’s way of diving into the center, being with ourselves {all parts of ourselves} so we can heal and honor the whole of our souls, raw and real.


From Marian Joyce


This workshop will change the way you think and how you connect with other women. It will expand your circle of friends, bring you in contact with diverse and interesting people from all ages and backgrounds who are doing creative and life-affirming work. If you are considering making some changes in your life –

Angelique will help you crystallize your values, and get you in the right frame of mind to move the needle in that important direction. This workshop has also been known to help a person realize when she maybe is not going in the right direction … Plus you will have FUN in the process! This is not your average Leadership Development program.

From Marybeth Bonfiglio-Word Alchemist


Her way is the way to healing our grandmothers, as well as our granddaughters-it’s DNA level re-mastering. And she facilitates this by a listening, a light that boldly shines on your soul, so you can see, truly See. Her work isn’t all soft and feathery. No. Angelique is a warrioress, a tigress, an owl of the night, a midwife and mama of the earth who will stop at nothing to hold you close and hold you accountable for your gifts. Her offerings and services guide us to receive; grace, love, health and straight up superstar status.

From Gloria Mast


..not your ordinary leadership seminar….if you want bulleted powerpoint printouts go elsewhere, if you want to be the change in your life and community, then sit a spell with Angelique.

From Sarah


Angelique, these months with you as my guidess have been so juicy and incredible! I truly could not have dreamed of a more supportive, passionate wise-woman to help me create a legacy and the life of my dreams. Magical is what you are ~ the perfect mix of root-down- real and soaring light. Even while I swam in dark times, you were a beacon and a radiant light, an anchor and life-raft all at once. I am eternally grateful for your presence in my life. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for your stardust! I love you.


From Heather


I attended ‘The Art of Release’ and ‘Coming Back Home to You’ at the Soul Fire Retreat in February 2013, and how I wish I could have been there for the entire retreat. The community of other like-minded women was tremendous. Shelly outdid herself in creating a wonderfully open, supportive, and fun atmosphere. Angelique’s skill and compassion guiding us through the journaling and art session enabled me to identify and release a number of old negative habits and patterns that no longer served me.

It was an incredibly freeing experience to then celebrate the release by burning the paper they were written on later that evening on the beach. I believe my acceptance a few days later that I, Heather, deserve to receive miracles was a direct result of the retreat and the releasing of old to make way for something new. I received other rich insights that day as well, and when we become friends, I’ll be happy to share those deeper insights with you.  

From Rabbi Sarah Bracha


Angelique’s readings are clean, clear – and on point! For a download on all sorts of questions, from the relational to the practical, she can help you know what you need to know in order to make the right moves!



From Stacy M. Pagán- IT Project Manager, Central Pa.


Angelique provides the groundwork necessary to become an antiracist. As a consultant she provides transformational Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training that goes beyond HR and the old version of diversity in the workplace. This training challenges participants to dramatically shift the way they lead and experience one another as human beings. Hence, equipping leaders with the equitable skills and tactical support they need to systematically grow thriving teams that build prosperous companies. Paradigm Pivot Anti-Racism Study Circles